this week has turned out to be. My intention was to post on Monday and here it is Thursday, already. The winter cold season finally hit our house, and as always, whatever ailment it happens to be must visit each one of us. Hopefully we'll be all set with this bug pretty soon. At any rate, here is my new Fat Quarter stash I got at my LQS on Fat Tuesday. Every year, they have a great sale; buy one FQ get one free. The catch is that you have to buy ten. Aw... shucks, guess I had to choose twenty. Poor me, huh? I don't know what projects to make with them yet, but I'm sure they'll get used.
This is a horrible picture, I know. Have no idea why but here it is anyway. I've made these booties way too many times to count. If I know anyone that's having a baby, they get a pair. Someone made them for me for one of my kids and I loved them as they stay on baby's feet. It's a 1950 something pattern from McCall's. It's a keeper. Honest, the picture doesn't do these footsies justice.
I can't remember what we were baking this day, but thought I'd throw in a pic of my little helper, Caressa. She loves to help me bake. I love her help. It all works!
We had beautiful weather on Sunday and Monday. I stripped all the beds in the house between the two days, washed and hung them on the line to dry. Nothing makes me happier than to hang clothes on the line and see them flapping in the breeze. Well, maybe some things make me happier, but really, it's a simple pleasure in my life.
And we also did some bread baking this week. I made four loaves and need to make four more tomorrow or Saturday. I set it on the woodstove in the kitchen and it gets a nice rise. I love the smell of homemade bread and enjoy watching the kids butter up thick slices while it's still warm. Yea, it's been a pretty good week around here