A woman my husband works with just learned that she has an aggressive brain cancer. His office has been filled with both shock, sadness, and now hope. It's amazing to see people come together during a trying time. My husband brought her a prayer shawl I knit to her home the day before her surgery. He let me listen to a phone message she left on his message system at work. It truly brought me to tears. Her gratefulness was obvious, but more than that, the meaning of the prayer shawl came through. All the prayers that were knit into it were felt. As I type this, I can still hear her voice... and again, it's very moving. Knitting the prayer shawls brings me so much peace and a connection to our Lord. I feel so blessed to be able to do that small thing for someone hurting so much...
All the co-workers decided to do something for her while she goes through chemo. They made up a basket of funny, old movies that they thought she would enjoy, because, afterall, next to prayer, laughter is the best medicine. In the basket, they also included a pair of rosaries my daughter, Kaleigh, made along with a little pouch I whipped up last night. The rosaries came out so beautiful... I hope Candy finds them comforting.
and the spirit rose to meet her...
such a testament of God's Love.
I know I've said it once, but I will say it again....what an amazing woman you are...I feel honored to "know" you!
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