I'm just tickled pink with this little 'ol blog award! See, my blog is one of the "little" ones. Not too much traffic... but that's O.K., as I'm honored that the people that do read my blog are really, really nice. So here's passing the award to a few of my favorite blogs (people!): You can find all of them over at my side-bar, because if I list 'em, I read 'em... Plus, I KNOW these four people. Wendy I really know 'cause she lives two towns over from me and we've had some Starbucks night outs and cookies swaps together... which by the way, I think we're due for a night out. And the three others I've gotten to know through blogging, and even if I've never met them in person, I feel like I know them anyway. They're a wonderful bunch of ladies, so if you haven't visited their blog before, give them a click. I think you'll enjoy their blogs as much as I do.
Christina at Bumblebee Bags - She's funny, nice and the most generous person I know. She makes beautiful bags and little boys (O.K., we'll give her husband partial credit on the boys, but NOT the bags)!
Amy at Ekblad9 - Amy is a kind-hearted homeschooling mom of 8. Her kiddoes are cute as can be and she keeps you up-to-date on the runnings of a busy household. Plus, she always gives me deep things to think about spiritually.
Wendy at Pineneedle Garden - Wendy is just a peach... and she's funny! She shares a lot of wisdom from Waldorf style homeschooling to spiritual matters to gardening, recipes and everything in between.
Cheryl at Quilting Memories - Gentle and kind comes to mind when I think of Cheryl. She sews beautifully and has some delicious recipes, too.
So if you're so inclined, give these blogs a visit. These ladies are really nice and their blogs a joy to read. If I only have a couple minutes for blog reading, these are the four I click on.
Congrats on your blog award!
Sue! I blush....
I have not been good about keeping up and just noticed this post.
You are too kind, and I might add one of the nicest Mama's I know ;-)
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