I thought I would try my hand at Etsy selling a few items. I tried once before and didn't sell anything but I thought I'd give it another shot. The thing I noticed about Etsy (as a buyer, anyway) is that there's so many pages to go through that I tire of looking. There's just too many... But hey, maybe I'll get lucky.
Here is a set of rosary beads and pouch I made for a boy. I thought it would make a nice First Communion or Confirmation gift. If it doesn't sell, I'll give it away as a gift myself.
And as promised, here's our Lenten menu for today:
Apple/Leftover Oatmeal Muffin and Smoothie
French Toast with our own maple syrup(!) and Cantaloupe
Cheese and Apples
Cup of Coffee
Baked Cheese Lasagane (sp?)
Partially frozen mixed berries and whipped cream
1 comment:
I'll have to come and see how you do your own Maple Syrup. I'm sure we have plenty of trees to tap.
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