My press board bookcase was not only overloaded it was also ugly. I decided to give it a good cleaning out and paint job. I put many of the books that were in there in the book room downstairs and reload it with just the things I really use. I also decided to designate a few shelves to my works-in-progress. I (meaning I directed my hubby) to sand everything first. He then put on some stuff (can't remember what it was, I'll have to ask if anyone's interested... leave me a comment)so that the paint would adhere to it. Then I (yes, I) painted the whole bookcase a pretty yellow. I brightened up that corner of the room and I'm quite happy with the end result.
I also decided to paint some white shelves that were sitting around in the garage. I painted them the same yellow and put a few baskets of sewing items in them. It sure cleaned up my sewing table drawers and now I can actually see what I have. I still have to get baskets for the top shelf and am also thinking of replacing the plastic baskets with wicker ones. I'll keep my eyes open at tag sales and flea markets for some cute storage containers.
And now some info on a GIVEAWAY! One of my daily blog roll friends is having a give-away to celebrate her 100th blog post. Quilting Memories is a delightful place to visit and is just a mouse click away. Visit Cheryl over there and take your chance at winning a gorgeous pin-cushion that she just hand-made and a book to go with it. Even if you don't win you'll have a nice visit! Hit my side-bar to get you there!
Sue.....please let me have whatever keeps you going and going and going! LOL Our new windows are going in soon so I guess I'll be spiffing up the office/craft-room soon (outside influence, however)
Well you and your husband did a great job,and I love the yellow you picked. LOOKS WONDERFUL!
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